Photographic prints of Tasmania landscape, nature, abstract, and urban architecture by Australian documentary artist photographer David Excell

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Time to go Bye Bye Butler

There has been some suggestion that the Governor of Tasmania should resign because he can't keep his nose out of international politics.
He should not be in the position where he has to resign because he should not have been appointed Governor in the first place. The Premier should have pleaded 'temporary insanity' the day after he announced he was making the appointment, and changed his mind.
How could anyone who has publicly supported a republic, and called for the distancing of ourselves from Britain and the Royal Family, accept the position as the Queen's representative?
Money and the Perks or course.
First thing he did was get married at the taxpayers expense.
Instead of standing tall as a respected figure this man is head and shoulders above the rest as a loud mouth hypocrite.